

fruits for health

• Nutritional value (1/2 cup/125 mL):
 25 calories, less than 1 g fibre, source of vitamin A, folate and potassium
• Disease-fighting factor: Cantaloupe is high in the antioxidant beta-carotene, which may help reduce the risk of developing cataracts. Cantaloupe is a perfect diet food since it has about half the calories of most other fruits.
• Did you know? Since bacteria can grow on the outside rind, it is important to wash cantaloupe before cutting into it.

Blueberry for health


fruits for health


• Nutritional value (1/2 cup/125 mL): 41 calories, 1.5 g fibre, rich in antioxidants
• Disease-fighting factor: Blueberries rank No. 1 in antioxidant activity when compared to 60 other fresh fruits and vegetables. Blueberries may help lower the risk of developing age-related diseases such as Parkinson’s and  Alzheimers.
• Did you know? Blueberries freeze very well. Here’s how: Rinse, then let berries dry in a single layer on towels. Freeze in a single layer on rimmed baking sheets. Seal in freezer-safe containers for up to one year. Use them straight from the freezer in your morning cereal, blend them into a smoothie or mix into pancake or muffin batter. (You can also buy frozen blueberries year-round.)

Blackberry for health


fruits for health


• Nutritional value (1/2 cup/125 mL): 31 calories, 4 g fibre, rich in antioxidants
• Disease-fighting factor: Blackberries get their deep purple colour from the powerful antioxidant anthocyanin, which may help reduce the risk of stroke and cancer. Studies show that blackberry extract may help stop the growth of lung cancer cells.
• Did you know? The ancient Greeks called blackberries “gout-berries” and used them to treat gout-related symptoms.

Banana for health


fruits for health

• Nutritional value (1 medium): 105 calories, 3 g fibre, source of vitamin B6, potassium and folate

• Disease-fighting factor: With 422 milligrams of potassium per banana, these sweet delights have more potassium than most fruit and may help lower blood pressure levels.
• Did you know? People with rubber latex allergies may also be allergic to bananas since the two come from similar trees and share a common protein.

Avocado for health


fruits for health


• Nutritional value ( ½ avocado): 114 calories, 4.5 g fibre, source of vitamin E and folate

• Disease-fighting factor: Avocados contain healthy monounsaturated fats that can help lower cholesterol levels when eaten instead of harmful saturated fats. For a heart-healthy boost, replace butter with avocado on your favourite sandwich.
• Did you know? Babies love avocados. Their soft, creamy texture makes them easy to eat, and their high fat content helps with normal infant growth and development.

Apple for health



fruits for health

• Nutritional value (1 medium): 75 calories, 3 g fibre

• Disease-fighting factor: Apples contain antioxidants called flavonoids, which may help lower the chance of developing Diabetes  and asthma. Apples are also a natural mouth freshener and clean your teeth with each crunchy bite.
• Did you know? An apple’s flavour and aroma comes from fragrance cells in apple skin, so for maximum flavour, don’t peel your apple. Plus, the vitamins lie just beneath the skin.

Fruits for Health


Fruits are the very important food for health. It is true that Fruit for Health, Not only for Health but also Fruit is good for Health. There are many kinds of Fruit in all over the world. We take many Fruits in several time but we don’t know the Nutrition of the Fruit. So, there is no doubt that Fruits are good for health.

There are a lot of Fruits like: Apple. Orange, Banana, Guava, Grapes etc. etc and many more.  Every human has to need a minimum quantity Fruit for be healthy and Strong. How many people are able to get it? It is a big question to Is Everybody able to have Fruits for their health?  Have we ever thought for them who have need Food, Fruits and other things for Life and health, and what about food?

However, Having Fruits is a really good habit and Fruits is good for Health.
We take fruits many times, to have fruits nobody maintain any time or schedule. But there are some better times for having Fruits. If you have fruits in the time then it will be very good and Helpful to your Body and health.
Just keep in your mind the health tips that never have Fruits in your Hungry time when your Stomach is empty. Please never have fruits in Empty Stomach. Fruits should be taken after have Food as a dessert or you can have fruits when your stomach in not empty, it is full with some food. Because if you have fruit after finish your food or with full of stomach then your health will get better things from the fruit. you can tell that it is a best health tips.

I like fruits because I think Fruit for Health, for better health and body. So, after finished my lunch or dinner I always try to have a Orange or an Apple or any kind of Fruits.  I suggest all of you that if you have solvency than try to make a good habit of having Fruits, Fruit is really good for health.

Health is Wealth…


Health is related deeply to life-style. Ideal health will however, always remains a mirage, because everything in our life is subject to change. Health may be described as a potentiality—the ability of an individual or a social group to modify himself or itself continually, in the face of chang­ing conditions of life not only, in order to function better in the present but also to prepare for the future.

Personal Life:

The importance of health in personal life cannot be minimized. It has come to be regarded as a prerequisite for optimum socio-economic development of man. Health care as a right of every individual has been recognized in many countries.

In the “Universal Declaration of the Human Rights”, there are 30 articles. The Right to better living conditions and the Right to Health and Medical service are vital. Though the health is now recognized as a fundamental right of every human being, it is essentially an individual responsibility. It is the individual who has to accept certain responsibilities in order to attain good health, i.e.- responsibility about diet, personal hygiene, cultivation of healthful habits, carrying out specific disease prevention measures. It is also desirable that in the personal life every individual should be acquainted with the essential health skills to stay healthy.

Family Life:

The family is a primary social group. It is a group of biologically related individuals. The family is like a ‘shock absorber’ to the stress and strains of life. At the time of emotional upsets, worry, anxiety, economic insecurity, the family provides an opportunity for release of tension.

The family therefore plays an important part both in health and disease in the prevention and treatment of individual illnesses, in the care of children and dependent adults, and in the stabilization of the personality of both adults and chil­dren In most societies the family is the fulcrum of health services Medical schools are developing teaching programmers in family medicine; because, as Florence Night­ingale had said, “the secret of national health lies in the homes of the people”.

Social Life:

Society is a group of individuals drawn together by a common bond of nearness and who act together in general for the achievement of certain common goals. The society plays an important role in the health as well as in disease; public health is an integral part of the social system. It is influenced by society and society by public health. Many public health problems are social problems and vice-versa.